E-Mail Accounts

We set up and host professional e-mail accounts that can be accessed over the internet using a browser such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome etc., or your Outlook/Thunderbird can be set up to collect your e-mails and send them via our mail servers.

Your e-mail address is now a part of your company’s image, and if you’re still using ‘free’ e-mail accounts such as Google mail (Gmail), Yahoo, MSN etc., you are saying to your potential customers that you are not a fully developed professional business. Our email accounts always use your domain name as part of your e-mail address. If you think about how large companies use their e-mail, this may be also the best way for you.

The professional e-mail services that we provide are reliable and cost-effective. We monitor and administer our servers to ensure that your email is available 24/7 365 days a year.

You always know what the costs will be in advance, and e-mail services start from only £xx per year.